Ex-Demo Naish Traverse EJ Pro 152 S26 Model – As new condition – $899 for Deck, fins and handle.
Ride like a pro with Ewan’s pro-model Traverse.
The S27 Write up on the website is inline with the features and benefits of the S26 Model (link is not to this model for sale!) – https://www.naishkites.com/product/traverse-ewan-jaspan-pro/
“The range of use and places you can take the Traverse is what makes it my ideal board. We designed it to have an all new free feel, keeping fun at the top of the list, keeping your ride fresh every session” – Ewan Jaspan
The Traverse Ewan Jaspan Pro is back by popular demand. We teamed up with Ewan Jaspan to design an all-around pro-model, covering multiple disciplines. With its narrow outline, the Traverse EJ Pro is designed to be ridden 5-10 cm longer than a typical twin tip. Combining comfortability and high-end construction, the Traverse is the ultimate do-it-all board. The sintered base offers maximum durability, increasing the board’s longevity. This board carves on a dime, rides smoothly through the chop, and glides on landing, making it the perfect choice for casual kiters or high-performance athletes.